Regular registration has been closed

*Registration is mandatory for all participants (including invited speakers)

Registration Fee

Participants from India

Click here for Registration

18% GST is included in the registration fee

# InSc Life Members need to provide the membership number during registration to avail of the discount. The InSc Life Members can visit the link: to get their membership numbers. For new membership registration, please write an email to Prof. Sanjay Kumar Bhardwaj (Secretary, InSc) Email:

Foreign Participants

Click here for Registration

Foreign currency transaction charges (if any) will be on top of the registration fee and need to be paid by the participants

All the Conference Registration Includes:

# Please send a copy of the receipt to the email id : 

Registration Cancellation Policy:


Accommodation inside the IIT Hyderabad campus is subject to the hostel/guest house's availability. Students and post-doc participants (from India) who opt for registration with accommodation will be provided with 3 nights of hostel accommodation at IIT Hyderabad. Therefore, the participants looking for in-campus accommodation are encouraged to proceed with early bird or regular registrations and book their accommodation well in advance.

Delegates from academic institutes and industries/corporates may book accommodation at IIT Hyderabad Guest House through the organizing committee at their own expense. Guest House accommodation is subject to availiblity.

Inside IIT Hyderabad


a) The charges are inclusive of a complimentary breakfast for 24hrs stay.

b) Room rates exclude GST (12%). Room rates may vary subject to inflation.

c) If an invoice is required, the guest may please inform while checking in.

NOTE: This information is suggestive only, and mentioning a hotel does not imply endorsement or recommendation of any kind. This list is useful in case you are unable to get accommodation in an IITH guest house or hostel. This is not an exhaustive list. There may be other lodges or hotels that are not on this list.